What took us so long?
We firmly believe that good things shouldn't be rushed. Rushing a product to market isn't in our nature. Sure, we may lose some potential sales by taking longer, but sometimes we need to sacrifice speed in order to work out the kinks and ensure we're bringing our best product forward.
Our first prototype taught us a lot. How to combat the inevitable warping that occurs when steel is heated, along with the best way to balance weight with size to provide a better product suitable for travel and the overland lifestyle.
At the end of the day, we're overlanders too. We know how important it is to be able to rely on the gear that we choose to invest in.
As such, we put in the gruelling work of sitting around a campfire time and time again while tweaking our prototype each time, in our pursuit of the best firepit possible.
What makes our firepit so special?
Beyond the extensive testing already mentioned, there are numerous features and benefits you get with the ORO Flatpack Firepit that you don't get with other options available.
Stainless steel
This is a bigger factor than people realize. Besides looking good, stainless steel defeats one of the most common issues with firepits - rust.
No one wants a rusty old slab of steel in their truck. Who really wants to make memories gathered around that?
Environmental impact
As important as ever - reducing our environmental impact will help ensure our public land remains public for years to come.
Our flatpack firepit gets your fire up off of the ground, meaning no more digging and constructing fire rings at your newly discovered camp spot. Just set up and burn!
When your fire is done, dispose of the ashes responsibly and no one will even know you were there.
An added bonus - the risk of a fire not being completely extinguished is gone since you'll be leaving no ash in the ground!
Not sold yet? Well, who doesn't love a camp cookout?
Nothing beats cooking over an open flame and we make it easy with the numerous cooking options built into our firepit!
- Griddle side for bacon and eggs
- Grill side for burgers, dogs, or whatever else your imagination decides to grill up
- Skewer slots cut into the sides for ideal positioning of stainless skewers
What others are saying...
We love capturing flames at night. Many opportunities for retake's ? We have gotten our feet wet with the @overlandracksontario flat pack fire pit. Love it, and have found many uses that does not involve fire. There is even a hidden “leave no trace” feature that we will show later. #firepit#portablefirepit#stainlesssteel#campfire#gearaguyneeds

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Don't hesitate any longer - buy today and it will ship out tomorrow!