Canadian Made and Tested

Free Shipping on all Rack Orders

Tri-Fold Mounting Brackets

Regular price $260.00 CAD
Sale price $260.00 CAD Regular price
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We do not have stock on hand for this item. For all of our metal products, it should already be in the production queue and we can typically ship within 2-4 weeks. All other products such as lighting, tonneau covers and propane tank bags are typically, able to ship out within a week, but we will confirm ETAs when we receive your order.

Add-on for our steel, modular bed rack

We will weld your uprights to our beefy, tri-fold brackets to accommodate over the rail, tri-fold covers (such as the one pictured)

We DO NOT stock these ready to ship.
Your rack will be welded and powder coated when orders are received, so this has approximately a 3 week lead time.

You will not be able to flip open the cover while the rack is installed, but the rack removes with 4 quick bolts to regain full access to the bed again.

Our tri-fold brackets will work with most tonneau covers that cover up to 3 1/2″ of the bed rail. If you have a tonneau cover that is larger than that, please reach out to us through our contact page for custom work if you are able to travel to our location.

Don’t make the mistake of settling for the smaller, weaker tonneau brackets available from various North American manufacturers.

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